Ecomax Lite is a 6mm thin insulation sheet manufactured of fully recycled material, free from freon and halogen. The sheet is produced of foamed polystyrene, a material that does not age. The cell structure in the sheet is built up of fine, closed cells that give it its excellent physical and mechanical characteristics.
The special cell structure means that the sheet does not conduct heat. Laying Ecomax Lite on the floor means that heat will instead, be effectively reflected back towards the floor surface. As “waste heat” is taken care of, you utilise energy in an effective manner and thereby lower your energy consumption.
Ecomax Lite not only takes care of the heat, it is also an effective guard against the cold and damp. The material is resistant to cement, plaster and most alkalis, however, not against organic solvents. Ecomax Lite is water repellent _ does not rot or go mouldy. In addition the sheets have a sound insulating effect, which makes the floor “quieter” to walk on.
The insulation sheets are easily laid between the existing floor and the floor heating foil. This gives not only a smooth and protective underlay but also increases the effect of the floor heating.